"Quinolones are have been around for a while now and have a pretty good safety record." Quote from a G.P. |
They have a terrible safety record, quite disastrous. The reasons it's taken so long to become known (in some countries it's becoming known, but not Spain or the U.K!) are:
1. The adverse effects are not just sometimes, but nearly always delayed. They can start to be felt or noticed a few days, weeks, or months after exposure. (Two years in a few, rare cases.) Who , whether doctor or patient, would suspect an “antibiotic” (je je je) taken months earlier of causing completely new health problems in the present?
Molecular Pharmacology
Delayed cytotoxicity and cleavage of mitochondrial DNA in ciprofloxacin-treated mammalian cells.
2. Tolerance levels. If you've previously used the same medicine or group of medicines, you don't expect to be debvastated by it next time.
3. The absurdity of the range and severity of adverse effects – hard to believe unless you know more. And people don't know more because it's hard to believe so no-one believes it so it doesn't become known!
4. Cunning/ignorant/careless misuse of language: antibiotic instead of synthetic anti-microbial; reaction instead of effect; UTI when no infection has been found..
5. The extraordinary power and influence of the pharmaceutical industry.
6. It isn't mandatory on physicians or anyone else to report adverse events. Many doctors don't even know where they're supposed to report, if they do know they seldom bother, and hardly any patients know they a right to or where. As hardly any doctors believe that the crazy horror is caused by Fqs, they don't even think of reporting it, so the ignorance continues in a vicious spiral.
Although it's truue that some people are very senstive to quins and others can take several courses before having a problem, there is no-one who cannot be damaged by them; it's a question of reaching one's limit, as far as we know (not proved, but empirically evident.) Some people are wrtecked forever by just one pill, but every day we get people arriving in the forums saying, “At last I know what's been wrong with me all these years,” and they've been “diagnosed” with a long list of maladies (depression, bi-polar syndrome, fibromyalgia, CFS ha ha, Sjrogen's (sp?) arthrosis and many more – most of which they have got, as most aren't real diagnoses, but just giving a name to a set of symptoms wiothout having a clue what caused them.) Very often, such people have been ill for 10 or 20 years or even longer and – this is the worst part – have been prescribed more fluoroquinolones since and just got iller and iller, but others are folk who've had several courses of an FQ without noticing any ill effects, then took just one tablet of the next 'scrip' and wham - the whole lot comes down on them.
Studies show that quite a short-term and low-dose exposure does damage cartilage and tendons; other studies already showed that the fibroblast production is dramatically lowered.. Well, just search anfd search, especially with Google Academic, and you can find a great many studies, more and more, coming thick and fast, now so many of us have complained and campaigned, naughty, squeaking guinea-pigs that we are. Eeeeek!
What are they?
Quinolones are not antibiotics; they are synthetic chemo-therapeutic broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. of which the first was produced accidentally 1962 as a result of alterations to a compound isolated from production of the antimalarial drug chloroquine. During the 1980s the fluorine atom was added to make fluoroquinolones, which are extremely potent, extremely fast-acting and have “excellent” penetration, including of the brain and bones. (Many of us were prescribed Fqs without even a sample analysis, not even a dipstick; many of us had no bacterial infection at all, let alone in our brains or bones.)
Antibiotics are compounds produced by bacteria and fungi which are capable of killing, or inhibiting, competing microbial species. This phenomenon has long been known; it may explain why the ancient Egyptians had the practice of applying a poultice of moldy bread to infected wounds. But it was not until 1928 that penicillin, the first true antibiotic, was discovered by Alexander Fleming, Professor of Bacteriology at St. Mary's Hospital in London.
Returning from holiday on September 3, 1928, Fleming began to sort through petri dishes containing colonies of Staphylococcus, bacteria that cause boils, sore throats and abscesses. He noticed something unusual on one dish. It was dotted with colonies, save for one area where a blob of mold was growing. The zone immediately around the mold—later identified as a rare strain of Penicillium notatum—was clear, as if the mold had secreted something that inhibited bacterial growth.
http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/flemingpenicillin.html [i/]
Antibacterial chemotherapeutic agents: contemporary anti-infective chemotherapy: quinolone antibacterials https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.prod.vetlearn.com/1a/a3a710678c11e0a3340050568d17ce/file/PV0710_zimmerman_CE.pdf
Fluoroquinolones: Then and Now
What do they do, how do they work?
Here's a neat little video showing how FQs slaughter bacteria:
Fluoroquinolones act by inhibiting the activity of both the DNA gyrase and the topoisomerase IV enzymes. For most gram negative bacteria, DNA gyrase is the primary fluoroquinolone target. Fluoroquinolones have been shown to bind specifically to the complex of DNA gyrase and DNA rather than to DNA gyrase alone. As a result of this binding, quinolones appear to stabilize the enzyme-DNA complexes which in turn results in breaks in the DNA that are fatal to the bacterium. A second mechanism of fluoroquinolone action is shown here. With some exceptions, topoisomerase IV is the primary target of fluoroquinolone action in most gram positive bacteria such as Staphylococci and Streptococci, with DNA gyrase being a secondary target. The separation of 2 new interlinked daughter strands of circular DNA is disrupted. The final result on the bacteria, however, is the same. Bacterial replication is disrupted and the bacterium breaks apart.
Unfortunately, mitochondria are probably eveolved from bacteria that moved into or were taken into eukarytic cells to live in endosymbiosis and their DNA is similar – oops!
Molecular Biology of the Cell: The Mitochondrion
Mitochondria (singular mitochondrion) are abundant organelles present in nearly all eukaryotic cells . The main function of mitochondria is to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cellular energy source. Mitochondria are believed to be the evolutionary result of early anaerobic (nonoxygen-using) eukaryotic cells engulfing aerobic (oxygen-utilizing) bacteria, resulting in a symbiotic relationship between the two organisms. The eukaryotic cells received ATP in exchange for supplying nutrients to the engulfed bacteria, and the bacteria provided ATP and allowed the eukaryotic cell to survive in the increasing oxygen atmosphere present early in Earth's history.
It is now thought that Fqs may also cause breaks in nucleic DNA.
Here are some links forrm Google Academic about Fqs and central and peripheral nervous sytem damage: http://tinyurl.com/neec4tq
And here¡'s our friend Bob, who died in June this year, after seven years of CNS hell: http://youtu.be/Dk74NtLSqZo?list=PL5031C8B80502DD3C
Fun fun fun all the way with the gift that keeps on giving.
Mechanisms of Action of Antimicrobials: Focus on Fluoroquinolones
Fluoroquinolone-Associated Tendinopathy: A Critical Review of the Literature
Intrinsic cytotoxic effects of fluoroquinolones on human corneal keratocytes and endothelial cells.
In Vitro Discrimination of Fluoroquinolones Toxicity on Tendon Cells: Involvement of Oxidative Stress
Fluoroquinolones: relationships between structural variations, mammalian cell cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity
Hayem G, Carbon C
Clinique de Rhumatologie, CHU Bichat-Claude Bernard, Paris, France.
Drug Safety : an International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Drug Experience [1995, 13(6):338-342]
Type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.2165/00002018-199513060-00003
Abstract Highlight Terms
Diseases(5) Species(1)
.. Given the absence of an adequate model of tendinopathy and the poor predictivity of animal manifestations in arthropathy and cartilage lesions in humans, careful monitoring of patients during phase II and III trials and, more importantly, long term pharmacovigilance during the postmarketing period, are still strongly warranted.http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/8652078
Quinolone Toxicity Report
Adverse effects of fluoroquinolones
My Quin Story
Interesting and very informative blog by a victim and advocate
Death by Levaquin
Interesting and very informative blog by a victim and advocate
Death by Levaquin
http://www.levaquinadversesideeffect.com/ interesting blog by ex-drug company rep. suffering longterm effects from the drugs.
Facebook American FQ group for support, advocacy and research
Facebook American FQ group for support, advocacy and research
Prescription Hell: When Curing Your Ill Causes More Ills
The Poisoning of America: The Rise of 'Mystery' Illnesses Including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Gulf War Syndrome
Emergency Medicine News: Adverse Reactions to Fluoroquinolones by Roberts, James R. MD
Medical papers - a small selection
1) Stahlmann R. Clinical toxicological aspects of fluoroquinolones. Toxicol Lett. 2002 Feb 28;127(1-3):269-77. PubMed PMID: 12052667
Medical papers - a small selection
1) Stahlmann R. Clinical toxicological aspects of fluoroquinolones. Toxicol Lett. 2002 Feb 28;127(1-3):269-77. PubMed PMID: 12052667
2) De Sarro A, De Sarro G. Adverse reactions to fluoroquinolones. an overview on mechanistic aspects. Curr Med Chem. 2001 Mar;8(4):371-84. Review. PubMed PMID: 11172695
3) Stahlmann R, Lode H. Toxicity of quinolones. Drugs. 1999;58 Suppl 2:37-42. Review. PubMed PMID: 10553703
4) Mehlhorn AJ, Brown DA. Safety concerns with fluoroquinolones. Ann Pharmacother. 2007 Nov;41(11):1859-66. Epub 2007 Oct 2. Review. PubMed PMID: 17911203
5) Hall MM, Finnoff JT, Smith J. Musculoskeletal complications of fluoroquinolones: guidelines and precautions for usage in the athletic population. PM R. 2011 Feb;3(2):132-42. PubMed PMID: 21333952
6) Liu HH. Safety profile of the fluoroquinolones: focus on levofloxacin. Drug Saf. 2010 May 1;33(5):353-69. doi: 10.2165/11536360-000000000-00000. Review. PubMed PMID: 20397737
7) Cohen JS. Peripheral neuropathy associated with fluoroquinolones. Ann Pharmacother. 2001 Dec;35(12):1540-7. PubMed PMID: 11793615
8) Leone R, Venegoni M, Motola D, Moretti U, Piazzetta V, Cocci A, Resi D, Mozzo F, Velo G, Burzilleri L, Montanaro N, Conforti A. Adverse drug reactions related to the use of fluoroquinolone antimicrobials: an analysis of spontaneous reports and fluoroquinolone consumption data from three italian regions. Drug Saf. 2003;26(2):109-20. PubMed PMID: 12534327
9) Kim J, Ohtani H, Tsujimoto M, Sawada Y. Quantitative comparison of the convulsive activity of combinations of twelve fluoroquinolones with five nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2009;24(2):167-74. PubMed PMID: 19430173
10) Gottschalk AW, Bachman JW. Death following bilateral complete Achilles tendon rupture in a patient on fluoroquinolone therapy: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 2009 Jan 6;3:1. PubMed PMID: 19126191; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2631494
11) Kelesidis T, Fleisher J, Tsiodras S. Anaphylactoid reaction considered ciprofloxacin related: a case report and literature review. Clin Ther. 2010 Mar;32(3):515-26. Review. PubMed PMID: 20399988
12) Vadlamudi RS, Smalligan RD, Ismail HM. Interaction between warfarin and levofloxacin: case series. South Med J. 2007 Jul;100(7):720-4. PubMed PMID: 17639754
13) Falagas ME, Rafailidis PI, Rosmarakis ES. Arrhythmias associated with fluoroquinolone therapy. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2007 Apr;29(4):374-9. Epub 2007 Jan 22. Review. PubMed PMID: 17241772
14) Corrao G, Zambon A, Bertù L, Mauri A, Paleari V, Rossi C, Venegoni M. Evidence of tendinitis provoked by fluoroquinolone treatment: a case-control study. Drug Saf. 2006;29(10):889-96. PubMed PMID: 16970512
15) Wang S, Rizvi AA. Levofloxacin-induced hypoglycemia in a nondiabetic patient. Am J Med Sci. 2006 Jun;331(6):334-5. PubMed PMID: 16775443
16) Doussau de Bazignan A, Thiessard F, Miremont-Salamé G, Conri C, Haramburu F; Centres Régionaux de Pharmacovigilance. [Psychiatric adverse effects of fluoroquinolone: review of cases from the French pharmacologic surveillance database]. Rev Med Interne. 2006 Jun;27(6):448-52. Epub 2006 Mar 9. French. PubMed PMID: 16580096
17) O-Lee T, Stewart CE 4th, Seery L, Church CA. Fluoroquinolone-induced arthralgia and myalgia in the treatment of sinusitis. Am J Rhinol. 2005 Jul-Aug;19(4):395-9. PubMed PMID: 16171175
18) Gürbay A, Gonthier B, Signorini-Allibe N, Barret L, Favier A, Hincal F. Ciprofloxacin-induced DNA damage in primary culture of rat astrocytes and protection by Vitamin E. Neurotoxicology. 2006 Jan;27(1):6-10. Epub 2005 Aug 24. PubMed PMID: 16122804
19) Petitjeans F, Nadaud J, Perez JP, Debien B, Olive F, Villevieille T, Pats B. A case of rhabdomyolysis with fatal outcome after a treatment with levofloxacin. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2003 Dec;59(10):779-80. Epub 2003 Oct 24. PubMed PMID: 14576967
20) Oh YR, Carr-Lopez SM, Probasco JM, Crawley PG. Levofloxacin-induced autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Ann Pharmacother. 2003 Jul-Aug;37(7-8):1010-3. PubMed PMID: 12841809
21) Corps AN, Harrall RL, Curry VA, Fenwick SA, Hazleman BL, Riley GP. Ciprofloxacin enhances the stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase 3 expression by interleukin-1beta in human tendon-derived cells. A potential mechanism of fluoroquinolone-induced tendinopathy. Arthritis Rheum. 2002 Nov;46(11):3034-40. PubMed PMID: 12428247
22) Reactions to Cipro, Levaquin, and Other Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics
23) Emergency Medicine News:October 2008 – Volume 30 – Issue 10 – pp 16-18 Adverse Reactions to Fluoroquinolones
24) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jor.21196/abstract an article 2010 about cipro induced tendinopathy
25) new March 2011: http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/5/1/104/abstract
Neurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons of the Nervous System - US Congress Office of Technology Assessment
How this goes on and on happening:
Al Jazeera – People and Power – Drug Money
People & Power investigates fraud and corruption running through the veins of the US pharmaceutical industry.
Dollars to Doctors
Just one example of many articles demonstrating the corruption of the Sickness Industry. Read the comments, too.
Gwen Olsen - ex-drug rep - manipulating doctors.
Ex-Pharma Sales Reps talks about manipulating doctors to sell more drugs.
"In this video Gwen discusses some of the tactics used by some pharmaceutical sales reps to get doctors to prescribe their drugs." (She speaks of the USA, but it's no different in most developed countries.) "This included tactics like minimizing harmful side effects to doctors, presenting statistics in a slanted way, accusing anyone that speaks out against psychiatric drugs as being a Scientologist, psychological profiling of doctors to best know how to convince them to prescribe your drugs, etc. Gwen Olsen spent fifteen years as a pharmaceutical sales rep working for such healthcare giants as Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Abbott Laboratories. She enjoyed a successful, fast-paced career until several conscious-altering experiences began awakening her to the dangers lurking in every American medicine cabinet."
Dollars to Doctors
Just one example of many articles demonstrating the corruption of the Sickness Industry. Read the comments, too.
Gwen Olsen - ex-drug rep - manipulating doctors.
Ex-Pharma Sales Reps talks about manipulating doctors to sell more drugs.
"In this video Gwen discusses some of the tactics used by some pharmaceutical sales reps to get doctors to prescribe their drugs." (She speaks of the USA, but it's no different in most developed countries.) "This included tactics like minimizing harmful side effects to doctors, presenting statistics in a slanted way, accusing anyone that speaks out against psychiatric drugs as being a Scientologist, psychological profiling of doctors to best know how to convince them to prescribe your drugs, etc. Gwen Olsen spent fifteen years as a pharmaceutical sales rep working for such healthcare giants as Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Abbott Laboratories. She enjoyed a successful, fast-paced career until several conscious-altering experiences began awakening her to the dangers lurking in every American medicine cabinet."
Jeff K.
"Two and a half years later and I still cannot believe this is really happening."
"Two and a half years later and I still cannot believe this is really happening."
Bob Grozier
Bob Grozier – another example how it can be for some of us.
Here you can see the stories of many victims. It's growing all the time.